current working directory
+--- 2000 --- 2000_file1.txt
| 2000_file2.txt
| 2000_file3.txt
| .
| .
| .
+--- 2001 --- 2001_file1.txt
| .
| .
| .
+--- 2001 --- 2001_file1.txt
| 2001_file2.txt
| 2001_file3.txt
| .
| .
| .
| .
| .
| .
| .
| .
| .
+--- 2014 --- 2014_file1.txt
| .
| .
+--- 2014 --- 2014_file1.txt
Let's assume now that you have to upload all these files into an ftp server ( that has the following directory structure on the home directory when you login (with username "myusername" and password "1234"):
+--- 2000
+--- 2000
+--- 2001
+--- 2001
| .
| .
| .
+--- 2014
| .
| .
+--- 2014
If the number of files (or directories) is small, you can do it manually with the put or mput commands, but as soon as the number of files increase, this approach is not an option anymore: you might not have the time to do it this way. In those cases, use macros.
We will be using Linux bash for this task. You will iterate over the local folders and opening and closing ftp sessions whenever you enter in each directory. In order to avoid having to login each time (you want to automate the login as well), create the file .netrc in your home directory (ftp will use it):
> cd ~
> touch .netrc
and add the following line
# Autologin myusername 1234
macdef siteput
cd $1
mput *
The macdef statement is used to define an FTP macro (in this case we have named it siteput). This macro does the following
- prompt: first deactivate the prompt. Since we are using mput, we do not want confirmation to upload every single file (that is the whole point of this, right?)
- binary: we are enforcing binary upload (instead of ASCII)
- hash: we want some sort of upload progress, that is what hash is used for
- cd $1: change remote folder, specified by the argument passed to the macro (see below)
- mput *: Proceed to upload all the files of the local folder.
- quit: close ftp session
echo "$ macro_name arg1 arg2 ... argN"
for year in `year 2000 2014`
# Informative printout
echo $year
# We now call the macro for the current folder/year using
# a sub-shell (note the use of parenthesis) to avoid
# the need of executing "cd .." after the command has been
# launched (i.e. the "cd $year" affects the sub-shell, not
# the main shell where this loop takes place).
( cd $year; echo "$ siteput $year" | ftp )
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