The use of this program is the following: At the command line type:
PoPlaces minLong maxLong minLat maxLat longResolution latResolution
Note: The values have to be given in degrees.
# PoPlaces.rb
# The purpose of this Ruby program is to retrieve the number of photographs
# for a set of cells defined by the user defined area (with a certain longitude
# and latitude resolution
# References:
# - Panoramio API :
# @ Miquel Garcia Fernandez, May 2009
# Contact me at:
# HTTP library is required
require 'net/http'
# Create default values for Longitude, latitude and resolution
dLongMin = -180.0
dLongMax = +180.0
dLatMin = -90.0
dLatMax = +90.0
dLongRes = 0.5
dLatRes = 0.25
# Parse the argument list if any
ARGV.each_with_index do |a, i_a|
dLongMin = a.to_f if i_a == 0
dLongMax = a.to_f if i_a == 1
dLatMin = a.to_f if i_a == 2
dLatMax = a.to_f if i_a == 3
dLongRes = a.to_f if i_a == 4
dLatRes = a.to_f if i_a == 5
# Compute the number of cells required in longitude and latitude
iNLongs = (dLongMax - dLongMin)/dLongRes ;
iNLats = (dLatMax - dLatMin)/dLatRes ;
# Loop over all latitudinal and longitudinal indices
(0...iNLongs).each do |iLong|
(0...iNLats).each do |iLat|
# Define the central point of the cell
dLong = dLongMin + dLongRes*(iLong + 1.0/2.0)
dLat = dLatMin + dLatRes*(iLat + 1.0/2.0)
# Define the vertices of the cell
dLongIntMax = dLong + dLongRes/2.0
dLongIntMin = dLong - dLongRes/2.0
dLatIntMax = dLat + dLatRes/2.0
dLatIntMin = dLat - dLatRes/2.0
# Retrieve the number of photos in Panoramio
url = ""
uri = "/map/get_panoramas.php?order=popularity&set=public&from=0&to=1&" +
"minx=#{dLongIntMin}&miny=#{dLatIntMin}&" +
res = Net::HTTP.get(url, uri)
# Parse the Panoramio output in order to extract the photo count for the
# current cell
iNPhotos = 0
res.each \
{ |line| iNPhotos= /[0-9]+/.match(line)[0] if line=~/\{ \"count\":/ }
# Output the result to the standard output
print "%7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7d\n" %
[dLongIntMin, dLongIntMax, dLatIntMin, dLatIntMax, iNPhotos]
end # End of inner loop (latitudes)
end # End of outer loop (longitudes)
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