If any of you knows a more robust tool (probably already embedded in OpenOffice, which I could not find), please let me know.
The process to do this would be:
- Find the database file (dbf) in your local directory (usually under the .openoffice.org/3/user/database/biblio/ directory)
- Open the file with OpenOffice Calc (or Excel) and export it to CSV (make sure you specify ";" as field delimiter)
- Run the following script, putting as first argument in the command file the CSV file that you created in the previous step.
Good luck!
# dbf_to_bibtex.rb
# Script to transform from OpenOffice dbf to bibtex compliant format
# Change Log
# 20100610 MGF Created
# @ Miquel Garcia-Fernandez
# Retrieve the CSV filename to parse
file_name = ARGV[0]
file = File.open( file_name, "r" )
# Field identifiers
identifiers = Array.new
CATEGORY = { "0" => "article",
"1" => "book",
"8" => "techreport",
"16" => "misc", }
file.each_with_index do |line,i_line|
# Retrieve the field identifiers
if i_line==0 then
fields = line.split(";")
fields.each_with_index do |field,i_field|
# Clean from double quotes and remove characters after comma
identifier = field.delete("\"").split(",").flatten[0]
identifiers << identifier.downcase
# Go to next line
# Now parse each field and generate bibtex entry
fields = line.split(";")
# Hash holding the valid entries of the current reference
entries = Hash.new
fields.each_with_index do |field, i_field|
clean_field = field.delete("\"")
next if clean_field.size == 0
entries[ identifiers[i_field] ] = clean_field
# Generate bibtex entry for the current line
print "@#{CATEGORY[ entries["type"] ]}{#{entries["identifier"].gsub(/ .*, /,':').gsub(', ',':')},\n"
entries.each_pair do |key,value|
next if key=="type"
next if key=="identifier"
next if key=="isbn"
print " #{key} = \"#{value}\",\n"
print "}\n\n"
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